Due to the recent Supreme Court ruling in the United States, NameSake Radio can no longer risk operation. Although we do our absolute best to work with artists, labels, and distributors to ensure the music we play is authorized by them for us to play on the air, there are always circumstance where a misunderstanding can arise. In the past, on the very few occasions this has happened, we are able to prove where we got authorization from, apologize for any misunderstanding, and all parties part happily.
Now however, the rules have changed in such a way as there are already predatory lawyers gearing up for what is sure to be absolute chaos online and off. The money grab and the ruination of lives is about to be very real, and we are simply too small of a station with no way to battle such onslaught ourselves.
So we wish you all farewell in the hopes that one day we will all be able to work together to enjoy and promote one another's creations. Take care of yourselves!
It was a great dream and we were on-air for so many years, but sadly it must end. Hopefully, someday we will all find a way to work together to build a better future together without fighting amongst ourselves to do so. For now, it is simply to great a risk for all involved. I wish you all the very best, and thank you for listening! :)